Mumbai: The cabinet on Monday gave its nod for the Maharashtra Educational Institution (Regulation of Collection of Fee) bill to be introduced in the ongoing budget session for discussions and passage.The education minister Rajendra Darda mooted the bill which if passed in both the Houses of the state legislature, would allow the government to determine the upper limit of the fees charges for school educations across the state and central boards in both aided and private institutions.
The act was essential following uproar among parents complaining against ad hoc fee hikes in private institutions. Pressures from various non-government organisations and education forums saw the government placing the draft proposal for public debate seeking suggestions on fee regulations. Sources indicated that the government will have to set in place a monitoring body to determine what constitutes the upper limit in the fee structures.
In another significant development the cabinet decided not to rush the controversial water bill following strong protests within the Congress. The cabinet after debating the issue took the view that the bill which has been hurriedly cleared in the state assembly needs to be further discussed. The bill which allows irrigation water to be diverted for industries will be referred to the joint select committee.
Highly placed sources in the government revealed to DNA, “The irrigation minister Sunil Tatkare had pressed for the passage of the bill in state council where it was listed for discussion on Monday. However, chief minister Prithviraj Chavan asserted that it would be unfair to push the bill without consensus within the Democratic Front government.” The Congress also elicited support from the opposition to stall the water bill.
The development in Jaitapur that led to violence and police lathi charge saw the cabinet ministers locked in heated arguments.The industries minister Narayan Rane, according to sources is highly perturbed with the development as it would give mileage to the Shiv Sena which is leading the anti-nuclear power project agitation in Jaitapur.